Dog owners everywhere love to reward their pets by providing them with bones to chew on, but did you know that you could be potentially placing your best friend in serious danger by doing so? Thanks to the good people at Wasson Memorial Veterinary Clinic, we can all learn a valuable lesson about the dangers of giving marrow bones to our pups.
The dog that you’re looking at in this photo is in a world of hurt, as the pet has managed to get a bone lodged over its lower jaw. While this might seem humorous, the situation is actually rather serious and the animal required immediate medical attention as a result of the issue.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident and it seems to be happening on a more and more frequent basis. North York, Canada firefighters were recently contacted about a woman (whose dog’s name is Ginger) who happened to find herself in the exact same predicament.
She stopped at the fire house on her way to the animal hospital and the bone was eventually removed. Once these bones become locked onto the jaw, the fangs are responsible for holding it into place, which makes removal quite challenging in most instances.
The bones can be cut apart, but if that does not work? The dog’s teeth can experience cracking or splitting as a result of this all too common issue. Please choose the bones that you are giving your dog wisely, so that you are potentially placing the animal’s short and long term health in danger.
That’s why this is a story that needs to be shared as soon as possible, with as many people as possible. Let’s band together and do our absolute best to ensure that no dog is ever forced to experience such a frightening and awful ordeal ever again.
John Glover
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Janet Glover
Vicky Jane Wilson
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Mathew Cuckson bin it when you get in
Mayra Rocha
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I know ….
Jackie Stanley Green
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Nikki Green Kendyl Green
Mathew Cuckson
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Eric can fit top and bottom of his mouth in there
Allie Nicole
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Jonathan Birkenfeld WE NEED TO GET RID OF THESE
Joseph Hoste
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Page Eikermann
Ken Burnette
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Mine get toys. And they don’t play with them unless I’m watching. They typically just tear them apart though
Shayla Ann Graf
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Tracy Salway Graf
Angela Boursaw
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Sharon Canovas
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Don Stockford
Jeanette Clisby
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I give my dog Stan meaty chicken chews never marrow bones
Melissa Person
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Don Eck
Sophie Green
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Catherine Anne Green
Niki Lam
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Kiri Lam !!!
Rachel White
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Nick White wow we were just talking about this yesterday
Lynn Seitz
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Levi Seitz
Shirley Smith
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Exactly but people think they doing good .. actually not !!!!!
Lisa Campbell
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I wish my baby girl would eat green beans!
Neil Nabney
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See I’ve always been cautious of bones. And stopped giving them to sash.
But even being careful with his diet and the big gentle giant let’s me do his teeth with electric toothbrush his teeth still had some staining? But recently I’ve allowed him bones again and his teeth are back to bright white? Now this has scared me and put me off bones again????
Suzanne Warren
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Oooooo no no no !!!❤
Catherine Anne Green
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Buzz had pork chop tonight without the fat or bone,no need to mum xx
Lorrie Clifton
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Wow I’m glad I’ve never seen these before now
Rodney A Ulanowicz
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Had this happen once, never again…
Tracy Salway Graf
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Only the big ones from now on!
Diane Schonewolf
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No marrow bones for your dogs!!
Paige Kohut
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Sarah House Krista Michel
Alicia Arlt
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I work for a vet and have seen this happen many times.
Debbie Orr
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Katrina Ross
Tom Hoeper
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I’ve seen this happen!!!!
Janna De Zwart-de Visser
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Danny Beer
Carolynn Nemeth
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This is exactly why my girl does NOT get these!!
Nicole Grover
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Linda Scott !!
Linda Anderson-Botelho
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No worries. All he does is bury them!
Shirley Horne
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Bradley Ivan Horne
Gail Laws
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This exact thing happened to me( y dog) she had to be put to sleep then they sawed it off….cost me $400. Back in the 90’s
Michelle Hoppmann
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Haley Marie Hoppmann Courtney Hoppmann Caitlin Hoppmann
Melanie Soanes
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Never buy them now after having to fish one out of my dogs throat as he was choking on it!
Leta Smith Sathoff
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This happened to my dog.
Holly Zell
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Dogs love to chew. What should we give them instead.
Pug & Boston
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Lynn Cricket
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Mine gets bad jelly red poop from eating bones of any kind
Megan Waddick
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Richard Daemer
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Rajaa Jamal
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Mayk El Khoury
Cindy Galvan
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I don’t give Obones to my babies anymore because of this
Dani Carney
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Cameron Meek