This short animated film is a beautiful story of a young boy who gets a three-legged dog as a present from his mom. Instead of reacting happily, the boy is upset with his new dog and chooses to ignore him…until something happens to change his mind. You’ll have to watch to the end to see why this film is raking in the awards.
“The Present” is based on a comic strip by the very talented Fabio Coala and was adapted and animated for screen by Jacob Frey for his school thesis. It’s been screened at over 180 film festivals around the world and has won 50 awards.
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Kim Riley
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Beautiful story.
Patricia Golden
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A sweet story I love the puppy
Kelly Foran
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Yep… that’s a good one!
Bette Lou Schaum
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Very heartwarming!
Dogs of Life
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this post got my attention ….
Pat Veazey
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Website not abailable.
J'Adore les Chiens
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Wow, personne d autre n adore ces publications sur les westies autant que moi.
Patricia Marlow
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Watch till the end
Linda Andrews
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Sexist! Why is it always a BOY and HIS dog! GIRLS hsve dogs, too!
Linda Andrews
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Sexist! Why is it always a BOY and HIS dog! GIRLS have dogs, too!
Joanna King
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Grow up. Stop crying sexist on everything. Its just a cute little story.
John Herman Gondosch
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Now that got him outside alright ! No tv , awesome !!!!
Suzanne Padgett
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Jeanne Seehausen Alec Seehausen they give us what we need.
Aaron Jackson
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Jesus Christ Linda, it’s the message that matters. Internet social justice warriors like yourself are part of the reason of the deterioration of intelligence nowadays.
Kate Meadows
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Clay Meadows
Diana Vas
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What a beautiful story,made me cry but the end was wonderful.
Michael Goodwin
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Tricia Stowe Schatz
Jeanne Geerts
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Mooi filmpje !
Charles Mchose
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Really great…love it.
Tom Lighthall
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Worth watching, I think. Living life is largely about attitude.