This Is What It’s Like To Abandon A Pet. If You Are Considering Adoption, You MUST Watch This!

Watching this video can literally break one's heart, but it really gives some perspective. Bringing a pet into our homes and making him or her a part of our family, is not a temporary thing. If people leave them, the animals are better with someone who can appreciate them…

Check out the short film on the next page, and make sure you watch to the end… it’ll all become clear… one of the most powerful videos I've ever seen...

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36 thoughts on “This Is What It’s Like To Abandon A Pet. If You Are Considering Adoption, You MUST Watch This!

  1. when to get a pet of any kind, he becomes part of your family and you are 1000% responsible for that pet just as your own child, I am amazed of how stupid and mean people are towards animals, sometimes I will the tables can be turned, so these idiots can feel exactly how an animal would feel, my dog stays with me until God calls him home.

  2. I saw someone do this once to a dog a few years ago. They threw food out of their car and pushed the dog out. 🙁 We got their license number and called the police and they absolutely did not care. We tried to catch the dog, but he was very scared.

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