HILARIOUS: Snoring Sunbathing Pug Knows How To Do Summertime The Right Way!

Summer is a time to relax and have fun! It's time to enjoy life and laze around!

This pug certainly knows how to do summertime full out and in style… napping in his personal outdoor pool with his sunglasses on, enjoying the warm weather! lol

And while it’s not usually recommended to take a nap while in the pool, exceptions can be made for really cute puppies wearing sunglasses. Especially if the puppy is a pug with a mean snore.

Every puppy loves a good baby pool. It’s the perfect size for them to get a little wet without actually having to put in the effort of swimming.

In the case of this particular pug, his pool is a bit too small to play in, but it happens to be the perfect size for a nap in the sun.

He’s completely relaxed, just soaking and snoring in his bright red sunglasses, until he suddenly wakes up with a jolt and struggles to get himself right side up again. It’s too funny!

Check out the adorable and hysterical video of this pug napping on the next page:

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