Tyson Walters is the proud owner of a huge Saint Bernard named Harley. Despite his love for Harley, Tyson recalls feeling frustrated whenever he had to take Harley on a car ride:
“My car was practically ruined. Harley’s hair would intertwine in the fabric and not want to ever come out. She would shake and the hair would just explode off her and disperse throughout the car.”
Sound familiar, dog owners?
It got to the point where Tyson started day-dreaming about a gadget that would prevent all that shedding in the first place. “I couldn’t find a solution. So I decided to make one.”
That’s when Tyson invented the Shed Defender. Check out the hilarious photos on the next page:
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Aryana Castaneda
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We need 4 of those
Anthony LaRocca
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Micayla Akers
Ralph Clayton Ganter
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My mom’s had a brand new Chevy equinox for about two months. The interior is black. Our lab is yellow. You see where this is going. We just put a blanket over the seat and he’s perfectly happy lol.
Tara Plummer
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Scott Plummer our dogs need this
Annie Bischof
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Debbie Roberts-Kennedy please don’t do this to Stella!
Stacy Schell
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I dont think that would work on my Great Dane! I just put a blanket in the car or use a tape roller after he’s been for a ride
Preston Gordon
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My dogs a rescue, he has been through enough. I wont subject him to this ridiculousness
George Krooglik
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Is that Cathy Freeman’s puppy..? lol…!
Patti Nash Johnson
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Derrek Hardcastle
Tammy Heird
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Increases body heat on this poor animal quite a bit. Place in evenly a mildly warm car and you have a recipe for disaster. Try groom the animal daily if you dislike shedding, but do not use such an outfit or any outfit.
Jill Hayles
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Surely it doesn’t take long to clear the hair. This is cruel and, as posted, there is a reason dogs shed hair. Perhaps she’s better off with a stuffed toy.
Linda Hildebrand
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Stephanie Kareht
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some people just shouldn’t have dogs….
Chantal Masquelier
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Wie kleed zijn hondje nu zo
Patricia Emmons
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I need that for my dog, he is allergic to everything. That would help protect him when he goes outside
Lisa Rodgers
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Carly Rodgers-Alex Alex Cole- this is what AJ needs. Lol!
Barb Menser
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Poor long john. Hope he gets lov at home
Scott Kaplan
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Stupid thing
Jason Pilling
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Kelley J. Neel. Giant dog + Leotard = Entertainment value.
Kelley J. Neel
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Not a bad idea!
Alex Cole
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Eddie Crinson
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I want these Jo Crinson….#eddiedoesflashdance #whatafeeling
Rebecca Miller
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Poor dog! People shouldn’t get dogs if they are afraid of a little hair, really. This is ridiculous. I have 5 Chihuahua’s and one min pin. You might have to clean a little more so what. If you love them enough it should matter how much you have to clean.
Lynda Brown
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He looks funny
Pat Saunders
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Why do these people have dogs ,I think it. Cruel
Jo Crinson
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BDIL. You’d look gorgeous Big Dog In Lycra!! #whereareyoukeepingyourspudsed?
Oscar A. Estrada
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Carla Revollo urgente para el bruce jajaja
Tammy King
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Derek Schletzer
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Courtney Lister Kristin Burnett
Natasha Sera Witt Bruzon
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Do not agree with them don’t be lazy just bloody Hoover !!!
Julia Clare
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Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith
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We need that
Marla Lifrak Frankel
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Perfect for my pugs!!!
Dale Hinegardner
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Yoga Pants for Dogs.MuHahahahahaha
Kathy Blythe
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Kevin Blythe
Terri Rooney Flynn
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I feel sad when I look at that pic.
Tiana Phillips
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I think they’re funny looking, but I definitely see the positive… crates, blankets, other gadgets just don’t work to keep the hair out of your car. It ends up in every inch of it, and you can’t get it all out. I want my jeep to stay clean. Dogs get used to cones, wheelchairs, specialty boots, jackets and costumes. This product is no different. I give it a yes 100%