11 Things Only Schnauzer Pup Parents Understand

Known for their incredibly sweet beards and old man looks, Schnauzers are definitely the fun police of dogdom.

Whether it’s barking at kids, passing cyclists or skateboarders, the Schnauzer crew will always warn you of any suspicious activity — even if it’s not so suspicious.

schnauzerAt first glance, a schnauzer’s body type might set you up to think he’s a little stodgy. Unlike the gentler curves some canines sport, a schnauzer’s rectangular head and sharp angles may inspire us to assign him a rigid persona.

A schnauzer personality—whether he’s a giant, standard, or miniature breed—defies categorization. They may have a regal snout, but they’re anything but snooty.

Another great thing about schnauzers: you can pick from three sizes and colors to suit your lifestyle. A miniature can be as small as ten pounds, while a giant can get close to a hundred, and the standard falls in between.

All of them, though, share that schnauzer personality. A quick look from large to small reveals the rambunctiousness and range of schnauzer temperament.

Check out the awesome list of things only Schnauzer pup parents understand on the next page and see if you can relate!

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182 thoughts on “11 Things Only Schnauzer Pup Parents Understand

  1. My six month old has been taken to the beach,playgrounds,Bunnings, and lots of different places where skateboarders,children,joggers, cyclists etc are from a bub and she doesn’t bark at those things at all . I’ve heard a lot of Schnauzers will but I’m wondering if it’s because if her early ‘desensitization’ of these things so young?

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