Man Gets Caught in a Bulldog Stampede in Latest Funny Geico Ad

A runner trips in the running of the bulls race and faces imminent danger from the raging…bulldogs!!

Geico and The Martin Agency take advantage of Spain's annual Running of the Bulls Festival to debut its latest ad from the “It's Not Surprising” campaign.

In it, a man apparently partaking in the tradition becomes “that guy” who stumbles and falls to the ground, waiting to be crushed by the incoming bovine stampede.

But as the creatures make their way 'round the bend, turns out they're of a gentler, kinder and more face-licking species.

“The running of the bulldogs? Surprising,” the voiceover says. What's not surprising? Money the customers save through Geico, of course.

Check out the video below! …and SHARE this with your friends and family to share a good chuckle! 🙂

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