Dog With Stunted Growth Gets Thrown On Streets With Tight Collar On His Neck

When Rachel Mairose of Secondhand Hounds found a “hunchback” German Shepherd on the streets of Kentucky, she realized the dog was suffering from a bone malformation called “short-spine syndrome”.

The dog also had a tight collar embedded around his neck, which indicated that he was abandoned by his owner a long time ago.

Source: Quasi The Great/Facebook

Rachel rescued the dog and aptly named him Quasimodo (or, Quasi). At the vet’s, it was found that the dog was about 4 years old and one of the 15 rare dogs in the world who lived with this birth defect!

Quasi’s shortened body was attributed to his vertebrae being pushed together. Rachel also learned that his full-grown head would never have any support due to a virtually missing neck.

Source: Quasi The Great/Facebook

While dogs like Quasi usually end up getting euthanized, Rachel noticed that the pooch experienced no pain because of his condition.

Apart from some feeding adjustments, Quasi required no special care at all. So Rachel not only brought him home as a foster, but was also thrilled to see him mingling so well with her kids and other dogs!

Source: Quasi The Great/Facebook

It was only a matter of time before Quasi became a permanent part of Rachel’s family! Today, this special dog has blossomed into a goofy boy who loves frolicking around and chasing things.

Rachel hopes Quasi’s story inspires people to visit their local shelter and give a second chance to other unfortunate dogs.

Click the video below to watch the Quasimodo’s incredible story and his undefeatable zest for life.

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