When Adam Douglas goes out for a ride along the sometimes bumpy roads of his home in Ireland, his fur buddy Thomas often goes with him. That’s not so unusual. Lots of people take their dogs with them in their cars.
But Tom is a rather curious kind of dog, despite his seeming like a normal cocker spaniel. He’s buckled into his car seat for safety, because Douglas loves his furry friend and wouldn’t let anything happen to him. The cell phone is attached to the door of the car for hands-free operation. So that’s not so different either.
Some people are afraid to fly in airplanes, and grab hold of the hand beside them even if they don’t know the other person. Tom seems to have the same kind of phobia, albeit in a car instead of a plane.
As soon as Douglas starts the car, Thomas begins pawing at his arm.
Insistently, the dog continues to clutch at Douglas’s arm, as though it were a real problem for the car to be moving. What could this little dog want?
Each time Douglas gets his cocker settled down again and begins to drive, the persistent pawing begins once more.
Finally, the man takes Tom’s paw in his hand and holds it. The dog immediately relaxes…
…until Douglas lets go and puts his hand back on the steering wheel.
Tom goes at it again and doesn’t stop until his human friend once again holds hands with the pup.
Watch this funny video. Would you call Thomas’s insistence on holding Douglas’s hand before he can drive the car a phobia? Or maybe obsessive compulsive disorder? Whatever the reason, Thomas and Douglas seem to have worked out an amicable arrangement, so long as Douglas doesn’t need both hands to drive!