This adorable pug puppy meets a new friend… a stuffed, soft, pink, plush bunny!!
He seems to be intrigued by his new, stuffed animal buddy of his, but then he's like… “this fluffy bunny is nice and all… but that rug though…” LOL
Awwww! So cute!! I am going to die…of adorableness! Can you handle the cuteness?! 🙂
Check out the video on the next page as this cutest pug puppy meets a plush bunny!
This will make your day, guaranteed!
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Morgan Rilee Chaney
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Lauren Chaney
Evelyn Anderson
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Oh you are so cute
Bia Gomes
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Que lindo
Bryce Walley
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Kylah Marrinon
Alex Reid
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I have to say this I have see, meet or have been and
Alex Reid
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I was trying to say never met, saw or been owned by a ugly pugs. But they do that pouting thing and that’s how they catch you. My oldest one taught the younger ones how to control me and they don’t play fair
Jamie Oliver
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Lauren Ferrier
Anne Watters
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Caitlin Watters
Daniel Fisher
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Looks like you got a little stuffed animal fur on your lip 🙂 <3
Francis Ann Nichols
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I agree Alex.
Mark Bane
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Kellie Evans
Pugs Mansion
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Hello, just shared this post with my friend. We both got a kick out of it. Thank you!
Kathy Calhoun
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I love you little pug I wish I could give you a big hug you are so sweet
Tiffany Marie Van Minsel
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Tyler Van Minsel
Thang Nguyen
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So cute pug
Elaine Sannicandro
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so sweet!!
Skate Tyo Hoyana
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Bamanye Lwana
Donna Teeter
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Marilyn Phipps
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Michele Johnson Fournier
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Sofia’s first walk…well she stood there like, I’m not moving 🙂
Shelia Wright
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Mary Weeks
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Very SWEET ❤