When it comes time to take their medicine, Panda cubs are a lot like children. They’ll do anything to avoid taking it.
That’s what this man discovered when he tried to give two youngsters their medicine and they wanted to play instead!
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Portia Barger
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Kelly Bardella
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How happy are pandas
Peterson Diniz Assuncao
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Ana Paula Mazzanti
Margie Brady
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So cute
Liz Chee
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Laurence Jackson
Mary Glass
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Miranda Matz
Pamela Hill
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Monique T. Barnard
Tommy Anderson
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Alma Sok
Janice Dekker
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What a jerk glad she left him. Dogs are so innocent. They depend on us & love unconditional
Paul Harrison
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Ashley Wong Rachel Banks
Wendell Robertson
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Oh blessssss
Linda Ferguson Speights
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They act just like Bratty children!!
Ashley Wong
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Lol. Are Rachel and I supposed to be relating to the guy or the pandas? lmao
Samra Johnson McCuen
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Cindy Medina
Cindy Medina
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So cute!
Mel Phill Cook
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Alyssa Cook Brandon Cook
Jamye Ryan
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That’s the cutest thing! I guess they’re not taking their medicine! Reminds me of my son when he was s baby.
Rachel Banks
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Lmao I’d have your back too ash!! Is Paul trying to relate to the zoo keeper thus implying that we were like the pandas??? Because I’m pretty sure that’s not the case. :p Also…i would really like to know how to get this man’s job!!