Missing cat travels over 800 miles over 2 months to reunite with owners

Missing cat travels over 800 miles over 2 months to reunite with owners

It’s always devastating when a pet goes missing, especially when they disappear far away from their home. But sometimes, miracles happen.

That was the case recently, when one cat returned home two months after going missing, after making a thousand-mile journey home.

In June, Benny and Susanne Anguiano, from Salinas, California, took a trip to Yellowstone National Park. But the trip took an unfortunate turn when one of their cats, Rayne Beau (pronounced like “rainbow”), got startled and ran off into the dense trees.


The couple searched everywhere for their cat, to no avail. With no sign of Rayne Beau anywhere, the couple eventually had to return home, devastated.

“We had to leave without him,” said Susanne Anguiano told KSBW. “That was the hardest day because I felt like I was abandoning him.”

Still, they held out hope that they would see their cat again: Susanne says that while driving away, she saw a double rainbow, which she took as a positive sign.

Their faith was rewarded when, 60 days after Rayne Beau went missing, they got a call from the Roseville, California SPCA. A local had found a stray cat nearby, and a microchip identified him as the missing Rayne Beau.

The owners were thrilled by the news — and surprised: Roseville was over 800 miles from Yellowstone, where he first went missing. Like something out of The Incredible Journey, the cat had been traveling back home on foot for weeks.

According to NBC News, Rayne Beau was “depleted” from his long journey, and his weight dropped from 14 pounds to just 8. However, he was in otherwise good shape.

The owners say it’s a story that shows the importance of getting your pets microchipped. “Definitely microchip your cat or your pet and register the microchip online,” Susanne told KSBW. “We would have never gotten them back had that not happened.”

We’re so glad Rayne Beau is home safe! Please share this story if you love animals! ❤️😸

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