Life with a dog is usually much better than life without one. They are companions that care about your well being and are a joy to be around.
But sometimes things can get a little strange or even downright silly when you own a dog. If you are a dog owner, then you’ll understand exactly what we're talking about.
Cidalia Cammarata
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Davey James
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Dakota Diez
Kirstie MacKenzie
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Looks like Max
Georgina Dickmann
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Lynne Koerbin the ball one is pretty funny
Helen Marsden
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Joanne – look familiar with Alfie?
Mary Ann Hilton
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I lovepuppies
Bruce Barbini
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Indy Simpson
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Charlea Simpson
Daniel Briggs
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Candice Anderson
Annie B
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Alex Broniek
Nadejda Nividalskay
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Пока спит мальчик,
Собака, повышает,и догадался же как покушать,умные.животные,собаки.
Nadejda Nividalskay
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Пока мальчик спит,собака догадалась, как поесть,очень умные животные,собаки.
June Veronica Stappard-halliday
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Nathan Grewcock
Thomas Garcia
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Marlène Ma
Christelle Nicoletti
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Marion Nicoletti
Doobie TrustNo-one Jones
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I dont because they fart alot pewww!!!!!!
Oh Audrey
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Patrick May loulou style;)
Steven J MacNeill
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Randy Mills omg its dexter LOL
Randy Mills
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Anna Farrell
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Brayden Rees
Richard Littrell
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I. Like. Jackie
Amelia Ann Eubanks
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Amy Adkinson Williams, #14 . . . you are not alone 🙂
Amy Adkinson Williams
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