Family Adopts Foster Dog Even When Vet Cautioned That He’s Mentally Challenged

Family Adopts Foster Dog Even When Vet Cautioned That He’s Mentally Challenged

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The family took this seriously and studied his behavior patterns even more. They discovered an obsessive-compulsive routine where Stanley would constantly gather a slipper, remote, and stuffed animal together every day.

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They decided to test Stanley with a dog IQ test they heard about from a friend, and he failed at getting out from under a blanket, responding to his name, and finding the treat inside a cup.

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The vet agreed with the assessment and said that the dog’s challenges could be a result of inbreeding and stubbornness.

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It may never be revealed why exactly Stanley acts the way he does, but it’s not something for his family to worry about. He’s physically healthy and surrounded by lots of love!

His owner said, “He may be a bit slow, but his silly quirks, good nature, and odd little personality makes us love him even more.”

You have to love that Stanley is getting a fair shot at life regardless of his challenges. Every dog deserves love and happiness!

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