Dogs can be many things: our friends, our companions, even our singing partners! But in the case of Cesur, the word to describe him most is loyal. You see, this grieving dog guards his dead owner’s grave every single morning.
Cesur was first adopted by his owner, Mehmet Ilhan, when he was just a puppy. Ilhan spent many years paralyzed, and Cesur was his greatest companion.
Then, at age 79, Ilhan passed away.
“When my father was in the hospital during his last days, Cesur stopped eating,” said Ali, Ilhan’s son, who has now adopted Cesur as his own.
More: 20 Things All Dog Owners Must Never Forget. The Last One Brought Me To Tears…
At the funeral in Turkey’s Bursa Province, Cesur stood by the coffin before following it all the way to the cemetery for Ilhan’s burial.
And as if the pup’s loyalty couldn’t be any more astonishing, the staff at the cemetery in which Ilhan is buried told Ali that, without fail, Cesur arrives every morning to stand on top of his late dad’s grave for several hours.
Like a guardian angel.
The video below shows the pup making the journey into the graveyard and straight to Ilhan’s grave.
He meets Ali there, but before long Cesur is alone, being recorded as he circles the grave and walks over it again and again and again.
More: 35 Healthiest Human Foods You Can Feed Your Dog (And The 12 That Could Kill Your Dog)
“‘Nowadays he visits the grave every day because he can’t seem to get used to the absence of my father,” Ali said.
Please SHARE the story of this amazingly loyal, devoted dog.
David Roberts
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very sad….poor little dog… very sweet.
Rahul Biswaa
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They are really loyal.
Gail Clapp
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I watched a dog do the same on television, sad because the dog deos not understand what has happened.
Tracie Shough
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How sad but sweet
Shelly Green
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Poor baby.
Sally Quigley
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There was a film with this same story years ago. It’s a weepy one. Sounds like Friarstown Bobby.
Nancy Fuller
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How sad what a beautiful loving loyal dog was glad to read that he now lives with his deceased owner son
Dave Brooks
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Greyfriors bobby
Bernice Snelling
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Tracy Sutton Parsons
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Can’t even get on it bs
Linda Hollaway
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Sally Quigley
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Ya that’s it. I wasn’t too far off. 1961 Walt Disney.
Marty Harris
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When my beagle died, my basset laid by his grave for the longest. I cried like a baby.
Sharon Case
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Sweet, but sad.
Trudi Elise Lichty
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Godbless this percious baby always and forever and have someone love and take care of him
Cathy Castle
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Just as bad
Cathy Castle
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Just as bad with them going first! I would have wanted it to be me first! I know someone close to me would take over.
Janet Gwin
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A very touching story.