85-Year-Old Woman Finds Puppy Covered In Cactus Spines, Discovers He’s Not A Dog At All

Gwen Maxwell, an 85-year-old retired school teacher from Sun City West, Arizona, was out for a walk one Tuesday morning. Little did she know her day would lead to her saving the life of a little puppy.

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Gwen first noticed the puppy when it ran across the street from her. But everything wasn’t alright. The puppy looked like it had something stuck to it. She moved in closer only to realize that the pup was covered in 6 or 7 huge clumps of painful cholla cacti.

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What’s more, she noticed that this wasn’t a dog puppy at all. In fact, what she had spotted was a coyote puppy! The clumps were sticking to the pup’s back legs, right foreleg, knee, and shoulder.

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With the help of her neighbor, Gwen called for some help. Pebblebrook Golf Course maintenance worker Jose Soto and Assistant Superintendent Shawn Bordine, showed up with pliers to help the pup out.

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As the two men pulled out the spines one by one, the pup was incredibly calm throughout. It’s as if he knew these men were here to help. While all this was happening, the pup’s mother was keeping a vigilant eye on the proceedings from a distance.

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As soon as the men finished pulling out the last spine, the pup ran back to his mom, a little bloodied, but otherwise okay and full of spirit! How sweet!

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We’re glad Gwen and the men helped this poor pup from an unfortunate fate. We hope the little coyote pup stays out of trouble in the future and has a happy life.

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