Pet parents will often joke that their dogs should get a job to help pay for their food, treats, and medical expenses. One company is taking that sentiment to heart and offering up a $20,00 annual salary with healthcare and stock options for their new spokesdog.
The technical term for the position is Chief Tasting Officer, and the search is one for the right dog for the position. Only one dog will be selected, but he or she will become famous and well-known for their taste testing skills.
According to a tweet from Busch Beer, “YOUR DOG could be hired as our Dog Brew Chief Tasting Officer w/ a $20K SALARY. As our pawfessional taste-tester, they’ll be the face of Busch Dog Brew.”
The tweet was accompanied by an adorable video that depicts what the winning dog will need to do. Busch is also very serious that the dog will receive pet insurance and free dog brew, the latter of which they call “stock options.”
Source: @BuschBeer/Twitter
Anheuser-Busch says their first edition batch of Dog Brew, which was alcohol-free, sold out within 24 hours, so they wanted to take things a step further and expand their line of canine beverages.
In addition to the prizes for being the chief tasting officer, the winning dog will be a featured creator on all of the company’s social media channels. Perhaps your dog could be the next big thing!
Source: @BuschBeer/Twitter
“The reaction to Busch Dog Brew’s release last year was so overwhelmingly positive that we knew we had a big challenge in Year 2 to keep the momentum going. So to expand the brand this year, we needed a true expert in the space on our team,” stated Daniel Blake, vice president of value brands at Anheuser-Busch.
“We’re excited to give one qualified canine a real, paying job and to tap into their insider knowledge of our target consumer to expand Busch Dog Brew in 2021.”
Source: @BuschBeer/Twitter
Anyone interested in getting in on the fun can find details in the video below.