Pugs! Those smushed, wrinkled faces; that pleading, adorable expression; the short curly tail; that plump, solid little bod; that spunky attitude: it’s the full package. Once you go pug, you never go back.
Pugs are devoted, hilarious, and totally affectionate, with plenty of ridiculous and amusing quirks that make them all the more lovable. Here’s a few from the pug vault:
1. Pugs Are More Than Dogs
Yes, pugs are technically dogs. But a scrupulous study of the pug demonstrates this breed is actually a highly evolved combination of multiple species, both earthly and heavenly. Note traces of manatee (that face and gentle spirit!), hints of Luck Dragon (that grin, that sassy optimism!), flying bat (that snarf!), and pig (that bod!).
2. The Oscar for Snuggling Goes to… Pug!
Nothing and no one snuggles better than a loving pug. They’ll climb under the blankets and curl into a perfect butter ball for a full night of grade-A spooning, or turn your lap into an ideal pillow for an afternoon snooze. Even in less comfy spots, pugs will figure out a way to hunker down and show you some love.
3. Snoring is an Art Form
That smushed-up nose makes for a cute face, but doesn’t allow much breathing room. The marvel is how much noise that little face can produce in the middle of the night.
Indeed, pug-level snoring isn’t for the light-sleeper or faint-of-heart. Though you can hear that little motor running all through the house, it becomes comforting background noise soon enough.
4. They’ll Make it a Chin Rest
Even short little chins need to take a break, and this move only compounds the pug’s overall cuteness. Particularly when you become the landing spot, and your little puglet burrows his chin into on your arm, your lap, or possibly your forehead.
5. Like a Honeybadger, Pug Don’t Care
Pugs are loyal through and through, but that doesn’t mean they’ll always heed your demands. A pug wants what a pug wants, and the little buggers can be stubborn. But with an adorable face like that, they can get away with just about anything.
6. Pug Gonna Eat That
Whatever’s on your plate is like crack to a pug. Eating is their favorite pastime (followed by snuggling), and they will put just about anything into that crinkly face, then ask for more. In his younger days, during a backyard party, my pug leapt through the air like a ninja and snagged a friend’s cheeseburger mid-flight.
More: 12 Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog
7. Pugs Can Rock an Outfit
Not that pugs don’t look amazing in the nude, but their rotund little bodies, buggy eyes, and striking faces look phenomenal in a proper get-up.
More: 30 Costumes That Prove Halloween Was MADE For Pugs
8. Not Just a Best Friend, a Die-Hard Sidekick
Of course, every dog loves her owner, but a pug will stick to you like glue, follow you from room to room, curl up in the passenger seat for a cross-country drive, and truck around behind you in the backyard. Pugs love to love, and they’ll steal your heart completely.
More: What It’s Really Like To Live With A Pug
Dwayne Coetzee
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Marcel Botha Anelita Botha
Sarah Kane McMaster
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And number 5
Anthony Luna
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I wish i had one
Kathleen Taveirne
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zo een lieve hondjes
Barbara Carney-Klein
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Never go back is right, have had a pug or 2 since 1980.!