20 Things All Chihuahua Owners Must Never Forget

These 20 important reminders should serve you well as awesome Chihuahua owners… if you want to go to the top of this article to view the post from the very beginning, GO HERE.

10. Let me make new friends.

Introduce me to other dogs, cats, or even bigger animals. We might now get along in the end, but having some more friends that look and smell like me makes my life that much brighter.

Chihuahua friend

11. Give me a treat ever once in a while.

Food is one of my greatest pleasures in life. I know you want me to be healthy, so I understand when you don’t share your own meals with me. But giving me a dog biscuit when I’ve been good or mixing tasty vegetables mixed in with my dinner is guaranteed to make me wag my tail extra hard.

chihuahua 11a


12. Please don’t hit me.

I have teeth that can crush bone. Instead, I cover you in sloppy, wet kisses. Just as I choose not to hurt you, please make the choice to not hurt me.

chihuahua 12a


Move on to the next page for even more important reminders that will serve you well as awesome Chihuahua owners!

Next Page »

1,096 thoughts on “20 Things All Chihuahua Owners Must Never Forget

  1. Don’t ever feel you let him down! I couldn’t do it with my first dog…..I was too upset. My other dogs I was there-but I cried so hard I got myself sick. Your baby knows you loved him…that’s all that matters.

  2. I lost my Sophie in June she was 12.5. We knew she was dying and wanted her to be at home when the time came. I woke up that morning and saw her breath was very slow. I called my son to get her, she took her last breath with his hand around her. He brought her to me I wrapped her in her blanket and held her close. I’ve had 3 chihuahuas and have lost 2 my heart was broken when they died. Forever Cheche and Sophie in my heart.

  3. Lost my little tough guy peppi July of this year. He was almost 17. Chi’s are so precious. My husband & I both miss him terribly. Number 20 about broke my heart. I held him when they put him to sleep. Hardest thing I’ve ever done.

  4. Not to mention their tiny size, who could raise a giant hand to these little darlings? They are so precious and small, I can’t even imagine how it must look or feel to them to be struck by a giant human hand. I just can’t stand anyone who would abuse animals, but tiny Chihuahuas? They deserve a special place in hell.

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