You’ve probably heard by now how dangerous and vicious Doberman Pinschers can be. But if you need to be reminded or want some more reasons to stay clear of the breed, we have you covered. Take a look at the 20 reasons below as to why Dobermans are the worst, and you’ll be thanking us later. 😉
h/t BuzzFeed
#1 Dobermans are a scary breed.
#2 They have more energy than they know what to do with.
#3 Even as puppies, they just aren’t that cute.
#4 They are extremely vicious.
#5 Good luck training them to do anything.
#6 And don’t even think about getting one as a therapy dog.
#7 You cannot trust them around other pets…
#8 …or any other animal.
#9 Whatever you do, don’t allow them around children!
#10 It’s an accident waiting to happen.
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