16. They won’t ever love you.
17. Worst of all, they’re ugly.
18. Really, really ugly.
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Andrew Pendell
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Yeap bad bad corgis. Stop buying them and raising the price so I can afford more! I love my fluff butts!
Heidi D'agostino
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Love them
Lorey Steele
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Love our corgi
Sarah Winckelman
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Boy from the look on their faces they really know who they are and that very important puppies. Love the photo.
Wendy Roberts Friel
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Corgi rescues
Robert DeValter
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Carina Coombs ??
Santie Memey
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Joshua Schweinsteiger….poooo
Joshua Schweinsteiger
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Bethan Kate Morris
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Owen Morris
Karen Meek-Shew
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This people is a fake story don’t believe a word of it!
Meg Gouse
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Richard Zeisler be ready
Clara Marie Haas
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Courtney Challingsworth: sums up my life with Barkley!
Brenda George Chelemer
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Maybe time for new one?
Stephen Cole
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Dachshunds are also hideously destructive.
Claudette Lirette
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I do !!
Kelli Clark
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How dare they say that!
Dianne Bonecutter Garrett
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Corgis are sweethearts to live with!
Dianne Alford Shaw
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read the reasons…. this is cute….
Matt Leber
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I’ve got 3. Id have 3 more if my wife would let me.
Jackie Cramer
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I would
Mary Van Ostrand
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I’m a crazy Corgi person ! No , you can never have too many !
Joan Corbin
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They are Queen Elizabeth’s favorite dog too!
Brian Dorrans
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Kayla Chaffee
Stephanie R. Blatt
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Carrie Hoffman Jay Hoffman
Stephanie R. Blatt
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Jay Hoffman Carrie Hoffman
Kelli Watson
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I have 2 but would love to have more!
Kay Baham Wills
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Caleb Wills
Stéfanie Bouchard
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Jean-David Marchand
Dan Williams
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Carol Williams
Sheila Vancoughnett
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That is so untrue loved my boy.Even though a gotba little nop.every so offten
Jon Gaston
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Bobbie Gorham Gaston
Shawn Harlan
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I have had 3 Corgis counting the 1 I have now. Love them they do shed & its ok. Very funny loyal short legged dogs!
Nadia Ortubia
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Maria Mendez