19 Pictures Of Grown-Up Puppies That Will Make You Literally Cry by pawbuzz on January 27, 2017 in Dogs, Popular 171 1. This fella who still sits at that same spot in the backyard. reddit.com 2. And this noble gentleman who has had manners since he was a wee baby. instagram.com / Via James Nuz 3. This crew who somehow managed to get fluffier over the years. Instagram: @Soren_and_tor 4. And this sweet guy who finally grew into those paws. reddit.com 5. This cutie who never lost his sense of adventure. instagram.com Next Page » Pages: 1 2 3 4
Chris Fletcher June 24, 2017 at 8:01 am - Edit Reply 7 weeks 12 lbs on the left, 1 year 85lbs on the right.
Joyce Haffner June 24, 2017 at 9:06 pm - Edit Reply Puppy’s do grow up fast. All these pictures were so touching, they brought tears to my eyes.
Shane Russell November 26, 2017 at 8:51 am - Edit Reply Zeke 5 weeks – 1 year Rupp 4 months-2 1/2 years
Chris Fletcher
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7 weeks 12 lbs on the left, 1 year 85lbs on the right.
Joyce Haffner
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Puppy’s do grow up fast. All these pictures were so touching, they brought tears to my eyes.
Intan Yusnintan
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So cute..sweet
Barbara Cowan
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Debbie Matuszak Polacek
Paddy Johnson
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Amy Jane
Kimberly McLoughlin Sutphin
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Cliff Sutphin Rebecca Sutphin
The Doggy Hub
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I love my dog!! Doesn’t everyone?
Nick Magnotta
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12 weeks, 5 months, 1 year
Mellissa Anne
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Shane Russell
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Zeke 5 weeks – 1 year
Rupp 4 months-2 1/2 years
Armaan Farid
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Sneha Mallela
Diederik De Groote
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Kimberly Ceunen
Shannon Hansen
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Jennifer Cichy
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Carol Powis
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Emily Powis
Yarden Karlovich
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Roy Babayov
Stephen Watson
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Katie Chancey
Annemarie Smith
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Scott Smith x
Shaniah Amende
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Jess Walshe
Kirsty Bennett
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Ellie Bennett
Ron Patterson
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Nope all I saw were puppies