18 Of The Cutest Reasons Why You Want To Bring Your Dog To Work

For some lucky people every day is “take your dog to work” day. In North America alone, around 1.4 million owners take 2.3 million dogs to work!

But for those that don't, there's an official day – “National Take Your Dog To Work Day” – to help celebrate pets in the workplace.

If you haven't thought about it before, these photos may just change your mind.

1. They're really helpful around the office


2. They have great behind-the-counter skills


3. They can manage your emails


4. They can help keep your clients happy


5. They work well in a team


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32 thoughts on “18 Of The Cutest Reasons Why You Want To Bring Your Dog To Work

  1. My buddy has been working with me since day 1, almost 10 years ago. Happy almost 10th Cayman. Work days are so much better with a dog. He gets me outside to walk and everyone who comes into the office loves seeing him

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