14 Boxer Dogs Totally Defying The Laws Of Physics by pawbuzz on June 12, 2016 in Dogs 0 Because dogs are not meant just for this world! 1. Some dogs dawdle. Boxers FLY. Source 2. Like properly fly. Source 3. Fly through the air with the greatest of ease. Source 4. And they catch some SERIOUS air. Source 5. With the very minimum of effort. Source 6. Basically, they’re the Supermen of the dog world. Source 7. Unencumbered by mere gravity. Source 8. Up where the air is clear. Source 9. Escaping Earth’s atmosphere in pursuit of victory. Source 10. Released from Earth’s gravitational field. Source 11. They just go, go, go. Source 12. Feet never touching the ground. Source 13. Majestic. Fly Boxers, FLY! Source 14. Boxer Dogs: You Are THE GREATEST. Source