Cockapoo – Cocker Spaniel and Poodle.
The Cockapoo is one of the more popular and common designer dog breeds around and for good reason.
The Cockapoo is a perfect blend of both breeds, showing the noble face of the Cocker Spaniel and the lovable fur of the Poodle. As a result we get a dog that is loyal, furry, and adorably sized.
The Cockapoo is the perfect breed of dog for people with allergies though they still have a ton of energy to be released.
If you think taking care of a cat health care is tough then you probably should skip the Cockapoo and pick a breed that is more likely to spend its down time just chilling out. The Cockapoo definitely needs to stay active to stay out of trouble.
Cockapoo – Cocker Spaniel and Poodle
Chantal Masquelier
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Wat een schoontje
Naomi Donovan-Perry
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This little one pictures is an Aussie Doodle……okay Cheryl, and Michelle Isenor Spearing how about you two get to work on this and create me a new dog <3 Im kidding there will never be a dog that equals my Dakota. My <3 dog.
Gillian Baines
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Catherine Baines
Michelle Isenor Spearing
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If anyone can do it we can lol, but there is no replacement for Dakota ❤
Jill Haubold
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Toooo many adds!!!!