12 Pics That Show Off The True Personalities Of Clydesdales

We all know Clydesdale horses from Budweiser commercials, but they go far beyond what we see there. They are beautiful and majestic creatures but can have a rather silly side too! They are horses with very distinctive personalities. You’ll appreciate them even more after seeing these pictures! 🙂

#1 They are beautiful and majestic but definitely have a goofy side!


#2 They will even flash a smile from time to time. 🙂


#3 They are way more photogenic than they get credit for!


#4 They were used as war horses back in the day, but this is their real comfort zone.


#5 They were once considered endangered, but are more popular now than ever. Over 600 foals are born each year!


#6 …Like this little fella!


#7 Though not how we picture them, Clydesdales can also have a dappled coat. How cute! 🙂


#8 But their normal coats are beautiful as well!


#9 They don’t look down on us for eating fast food. 😉


#10 They have magical floating powers. Okay, not really. But they gracefully glide across the ground!


#11 They, like us, are also prone to bad hair days. Or maybe that’s the look he’s going for? 😛


#12 They are truly the most gentle giants on the planet. Let’s never take them for granted. 🙂

Watch the video below of a clydesdale being ridden for the first time. It's the sweetest thing I've seen all day!!

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