10 Expensive Dogs Only Rich People Can Afford

Tibetan Mastiff

Although early records of Tibetan Mastiffs weren't very well-kept, we have learned some interesting facts about these dogs via science.

A mitogenome study showed that the Tibetan Mastiff lineage diverged from gray wolves about 58,000 years ago.

A similar study showed that these dogs related to the great pyrenees, bernese mountain dog, rottweiler, and saint bernard.

In fact, it's likely that these large and fluffy breeds descended from the Tibetan Mastiff.

They were bred to protect livestock from fearsome predators such as wolves, leopards, bears, and tigers.

Today's Tibetan Mastiffs are still excellent guard dogs, and like to keep an eye on their surroundings.

Naturally, a god that can take down a bear doesn't come cheap. You can expect to spend around $2,000 for a high quality puppy.

However, there are many stories of people spending far more than that to get one with a special feature, such as the man who spent $2 million on a red Tibetan Mastiff puppy.

Standing up to 33 inches tall and weighing up to 160 pounds when full grown, these dogs definitely aren't suited for apartment living.

So, make sure you have a big yard for your new pet. Don't worry, they'll protect it for you.

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